PPP Theory
Instructor Nemoto Yuji
Academic Year 2021Class Code XM22127801 Numbering code
Year of Study 1~3 Type of Class Lecture Credit 2
Schedule Sat2,Spring Campus HAKUSAN Room 8204
Main Language Japanese Courses by instructors with practical experience
Subject category
Class frequency
Department for enrollment

Let’s get involved with a specific project

【Course Purpose and Description】

Objective of human resources development of our course is "to develop individuals who have a deep understanding of the behavioral principle of public and private entities and the abilities needed to promote cooperation between the two sectors, thereby contributing to the achievement of public purposes on a national or regional level". This lecture is the core lecture of all subjects and its aim is to develop human resources who can grasp the whole picture of PPP.

【Learning Objectives】

Students will be able to comprehensively approach PPP policies and projects in which students are involved from the perspectives of basic concepts, economics, history, institutional methods, and finance, and achieve their goals.


The following has been changed to prevent new corona infections.

1 Basic Concepts (1) Definition, Public-Private-Private Relationships, Structures, Types and Cases
2 Basic concept (2) Decision-making right of government, private proposal / citizen participation, PPP triangle
3. Economics (1) public goods
4. Economics(2)externalities, natural monopoly
5. Economics (3) government role, government failure, PPP role, PPP failure
6 History (1) UK
7 History (2) Japan
8 History (3) France, the United States
9 Method (1) PFI
10 Method (2) outsourcing, designated manager
11 Method (3) Market testing, privatization
12 Method (4) Public asset utilization type, regulation/induction type
13 Finance (1) Changes in finance and finance before and after the burst of the bubble, the current state of local finance, and the Local Government Finance Soundness Act
14. Finance (2) Project Finance: Stabilization of Income, Priority Subordination
15 Finance (3) Project finance Diversification, mutual guarantee, relationship banking, the role of regional financial institutions

【Instructional Methods】

The following has been changed to prevent new corona infections.

Classes are conducted in a lecture style, with questions and answers.
Because the content is enormous, discussions will not be held in class, and the Toyonetace bulletin board will be used.

【Self-study before/after classes】

"Pre-class study: Search for questions and challenges regarding the set topics of the activities and business practices for the following week.
Post-class study: Consider the influences and effects of the results gained from the discussions on each of the business practices and activities.
Each of these should take around 30~60 minutes in total. It is recommended that graduate students in regular employment use and examine actual activities and business practices done in working hours."

【Methods of Evaluation and Grading Criteria】

● Conduct mid-term and final exams (50% each). The method uses the small test function of manaba. It is a combination of a selection formula and a description formula. The answer period is 48 hours or less, and students can answer from the Internet at home at their convenience.
●Graded on the results of work. 80 points or more results in an S or A, 70-79 points or more is a B, 60-69 points or more is a C, and anything below 59 points is a D (fail).
●The midterm exam is a PPP common exam, which is a requirement for applying for and selecting a Class 1 scholarship.


None in particular.


Lecture materials will be posted on manaba each time, so please download it yourself.

【Reference Materials】

Yuji Nemoto
"Considerations on the framework of PPP research(1)~(3)"
Bulletin of Toyo University PPP Research Center vol.1~3

【Related Study Fields and Courses】

all subjects


None in particular.

【File No.1】
【File No.2】
【File No.3】

Reference paper 