Seminar on Public Private Partnership
Instructor Nemoto Yuji
Academic Year 2021Class Code XM22129606 Numbering code
Year of Study 1~3 Type of Class Seminar Credit 2
Schedule Sat4,Spring Campus HAKUSAN Room 8204
Main Language Japanese Courses by instructors with practical experience
Subject category
Class frequency
Department for enrollment

Join the PPP project

【Course Purpose and Description】

Students can take part in a PPP research project. The project is selected according to requests from the local government until the start of class.
Additionally, thesis guidance will be provided.

【Learning Objectives】

Student thesis papers will be completed through PPP project experiences in this seminar.


Combine the following
● Guidance of students
1 semester: Topic provided by graduate students
3 semester: Presentation of thesis concept from graduate students and advice from faculty members
4 semesters, interim report sessions, final report sessions, oral exam rehearsals
● Specific theme
Conduct some social experiment on consensus building

【Instructional Methods】

The following has been changed to prevent new corona infections.

Students will do outside study work for this seminar.

【Self-study before/after classes】

Search for questions and issues that can be obtained from each practice and activity on the set theme.
Post-school study
Consider the impacts and effects of each practice and activity obtained from the discussion.
The time is assumed to be about 30 to 60 minutes each.
Students are encouraged to make use of their actual work and time spent doing their work.

【Methods of Evaluation and Grading Criteria】

More than 80 points: A, 70~79 points: B, 60~69 points: C, less than 59 points: D (disqualification). One excellent student will receive an S.




All lecture materials are on Toyo-Net ACE manaba.

【Reference Materials】


【Related Study Fields and Courses】




【File No.1】
【File No.2】
【File No.3】