Integrated Japanese III Theory1
Instructor Hisayoshi Takako、Takahashi Satoshi
Academic Year 2021Class Code 100D036001 Numbering code
Year of Study 1~4 Type of Class Lecture Credit 2
Schedule Mon1,Spring
Campus HAKUSAN Room Hakusan Remote Class
Hakusan Remote Class
Main Language Japanese Courses by instructors with practical experience
Subject category
Class frequency
Department for enrollment

【Course Purpose and Description】

This course is designed for students with a pre-intermediate-level background in Japanese language (TJ4). In theory class, acquiring the intermediate language knowledge about grammar and sentence patterns through drills based on the textbook. The goal for this semester is to develop their communicative competences as well as to acquire intermediate-level Japanese proficiency, focusing on reading and writing tasks. In each class, students are required to participate in various activities such as grammar practice, reading texts, and writing short essays.
※The Integrated Japanese Course employs levels that correspond to the six stages of the JF Standard for Japanese Language Education (A1-C2). This course is B1 level.

【Learning Objectives】

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1) understand vocabulary and grammar structures of Japanese language at intermediate level.
2) produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects.
3) write short essays on topics which are rather abstract and complicated.


This course covers Lessons 1 through 10 of “Chu-kyu o manaboo” (Let’s learn Intermediate).
Week 1: Orientation
Week 2-3: Lesson1(Music and the effect of sound)
Week 4-5: Lesson2(Lucky and unlucky numbers)
Week 6-7: Lesson3(Interesting Japan)
Week 8-9: Lesson4(Sneeze)
Week 10-11: Lesson5(My town)
Week 12-13: Lesson6(It's meaningless if someone doesn’t eat it on this particular day)
Week 14-15: Lesson7(The world of sumo wrestler)
* This schedule is subject to change.

【Instructional Methods】

This class is a combination of face-to-face and non-face-to-face classes. When non-face-to-face classes are conducted, a combination of distance learning (simultaneous bidirectional class) and assignment delivery learning (on-demand class) is conducted. Distribution of lesson materials and lectures will be conducted using ToyoNet-Ace, Webex Meetings, YouTube, Google, PDF files, Word files, and PowerPoint files. Questions and answers will be held at ToyoNet-Ace and Webex Teams, and real-time discussions will be held at Webex Meetings.

Various activities will be arranged in each class for improving skills of reading and writing. Students are encouraged to undertake “autonomous learning” to achieve personal goals. As for the progress and contents of this course, they may be flexibly adjusted depending on the learning environment.

【Self-study before/after classes】

Before class, students are expected to:
1) prepare for the next class and look up the meanings of new words.
2) read the text and have a general understanding.
After class, students are expected to:
1) review the material covered in class.
2) complete homework assignments.

For advanced learning (1 hour), follow the lecture schedule and carefully review the terminology, summarize your thoughts, and prepare for the class. In the post-course study (1 hour), please review the handouts and other materials used in the class. Also, please use the reference materials introduced in the class to expand your knowledge.Please actively participate in the class.
If you have any assignments or presentations, please submit or prepare them by the deadline.

【Methods of Evaluation and Grading Criteria】

Review Tests (x3) : 45%
Quizzes (Vocabulary and Grammar) : 25%
Assignments: 20%
Attendance & Class performance: 10%
【Grading Criteria】
Grading conforms to Toyo university’s grading standard.


Integrated Japanese 2 or equivalent


『中級を学ぼう 中級前期第2版』(スリーエーネットワーク) \2,200 + tax, ISBN 978-4883197880

【Reference Materials】

A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, written by Seiichi MAKINO & Michio TSUTSUI, the Japan Times,

【Related Study Fields and Courses】

It is recommended that students should take this class and Integrated Japanese 3 (Practice) class together.


Office hour: Tue 9:00-10:00 or by appointment

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